ANNOUNCEMENT: The 10th Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon!

When I first started our annual Busterthon back in 2014, little did I know that one day I’d be creating this post! My friends, I’m very pleased and proud to announce:

What a milestone! Has it really been ten whole years?! Think about it: this blogathon is now older than the entire runs of certain T.V. shows. It’s older than the majority of elementary school children. That’s right, most of today’s elementary school children didn’t even exist back in 2014!

Well, it’s true. Anyways! On to the details of this fine annual event:

When: Monday, March 4 and Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

Where: Right here on Silent-ology!


  • To be a part of this extra-special blogathon, simply leave a comment on this post to let me know which Buster topic you’re going to cover. (You can also contact me by sending me a message).
  • Please help spread the word about the event by adding one of my banners to your blog! (I posted them below.)
  • During the blogathon itself, when you publish your post please leave me a comment with the link to it (or send me a message). Publish it whenever you have time during March 4th and 5th, no pressure!
  • Don’t forget to mention Silent-ology and the name of the blogathon in your post–it really helps publicize this event.
  • If you publish your post before the 4th, just give me a head’s up!

What to write about: No matter how long this blogathon runs, there’s always plenty to cover! There’s Buster’s own incomparable silent films (check out his filmography for some ideas), various talkie shorts that not everyone knows exist, short industrial films and multiple T.V. appearances from his later years, countless colorful personalities he worked with throughout his life–anything and everything that interests you! In the past people have also shared posts about Buster-themed artwork, Buster-themed events, various filming locations and how they look today…the sky’s the limit!

Take notice: Duplicate topics are 100% allowed! Since everyone has a different perspective, 2-3 posts on the same film are welcome.

I will be hosting a drawing for all blogathon participants after the event as a “thank you” to everyone who joined. The prize will be announced closer to the event dates.

And as always: Make Buster Proud! There’s a lot of dubious information out there about his life and career, so let’s try and steer clear of those myths and rumors as best we can. I’m happy to say that we’ve been making Buster pretty darn proud these past ten years–let’s keep it up!

For ideas and inspiration, here’s all the links to the FirstSecond, Third, FourthFifthSixthSeventh,  Eighth aaaaaand the Ninth Annual Buster Blogathons!


The Roster:

Silent-ology | TBA and a roundup of Buster posts I’ve written in the past

The Thoughts of One Truly Loved | Music video “The Joy of Buster Keaton”

nitrateglow | Spite Marriage (1929)

Cinematica | Special essay on Buster

Wolffian Classic Movies Digest | Review of Buster shorts and a review roundup

Edendale Cyclorama | Buster and the influence of Mack Sennett and William Selig

Gary McGath | Steamboat Bill Jr (1927)

Big V Riot Squad | Three Ages (1923)

Taking Up Room | Steamboat Bill Jr (1927)

Welcome to my Magick Theatre | Sherlock Jr (1924)

Silver Screenings | Cops (1922)

18 Cinema Lane | “Once Upon a Time” episode of The Twilight Zone

Crítica Retrô | The Great Buster (2018)

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood | The General (1927)

The Everyday Cinephile | The Saphead (1920)

Whimsically Classic | Our Hospitality (1923)

50 thoughts on “ANNOUNCEMENT: The 10th Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon!

  1. Hi, Lea! Congratulations on ten years celebrating our Buster! For this year I would like to do another post for a music video. Maybe something along the lines of the joy of Buster Keaton 😊

  2. Pingback: (Silent-ology’s) ANNOUNCEMENT: The 10th Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon! – The Thoughts of One Truly Loved

  3. Ooh, collaborative blogging! There’s been so little of that lately. Steamboat Bill, Jr. is the Keaton film I know best, so put me down for that topic. I can say something about my experience accompanying it as well as talking about the movie itself.

  4. Thank you for this! I have shown One Week to several friends, and it is one of my favorites. I would like to write about that one if I may.

  5. Hi, Lea. I’m looking forward to this year’s Buster Keaton Blogathon. I’m working on an entry that I’ll call “Buster in Edendale.” It will look at direct and indirect influences on Buster by Mack Sennett and William Selig. This will be for

  6. Hi Lea. Congratulations and thank you for keeping the blogathon going for ten years. I will write about the first feature where Buster had control, The Three Ages. The Big V Riot Squad: Buster Keaton — Success in Feature-Length Comedies is Assured.

  7. Congratulations on reaching the tenth anniversary of this event we love! This time I’d like to write about Peter Bogdanovich’s documentary The Great Buster: a Celebration (2018).


    Le from Crítica Retrô

  8. Pingback: Coming attractions | nitrateglow

  9. Pingback: The Tenth Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon – The Thoughts of One Truly Loved

  10. Pingback: Sally Watches…The Twilight Zone – 18 Cinema Lane

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