ANNOUNCING: The Seventh Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon!

IT HAS RETURNED!! (In spite of everything, I might add. *wink*) Yes, my friends, at long last this is the official announcement of the 7th Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon!

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When: Monday, March 22 and Tuesday, March 23, 2021.

Where: Right here on Silent-ology!

How: To join in, please leave me a comment on this post and let me know which Buster film or Buster-related topic you want to cover! (Or feel free to send me a message). Please help spread the word about the event by adding one of my vintage poster-inspired banners to your blog (aren’t those illustrations fun?). During the blogathon itself, when you publish your post leave me a comment with the post’s link (or again, you can send me a message). Please mention my blog and the name of the event too (such as “This post is part of Seventh Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon hosted by Silent-ology.”) Post whenever you have time during March 22nd and 23rd, no pressure at all! If you post before the 22nd that’s fine too, just give me a head’s up. (Keep in mind Silent-ology will make all the links to the posts “live” only on the blogathon dates, even if you send it way in advance.)

What to write about: Anything and everything related to our talented Buster Keaton’s busy life and career! (Check out his filmography for some ideas.) Articles about his crew and the many wonderful actors who appeared in his films are welcome, too. Don’t be afraid to get creative–in the past people joined in with fan art and even a comic book, so the sky’s the limit! Also: Duplicates are 100% allowed! Everyone has a different perspective, so 2-3 posts on the same film are welcome.

I will be hosting a drawing for all blogathon participants, to be held on March 24th as a “thank you” to everyone who joined in. The prize will be announced closer to the blogathon dates (but you can guess that it’s likely a great Buster book or DVD!).

As always: Make Buster proud! There’s a lot of dubious information out there about his life and career, so let’s try and steer clear of those myths and rumors. Our goal is to make Buster smile, folks. (And I highly recommend checking out the Buster Mythbusting page on the Damfinos’ site!)

For ideas and inspiration, here’s the links to the FirstSecond, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Buster Blogathons. Man, we’re creating a virtual Buster library of our very own!


The Roster:

Silent-ology | Buster’s childhood summers In Muskegon, Michigan

The Thoughts of One Truly Loved | Free and Easy (1930)

Big V Riot Squad | Buster’s silent short comedies

Cinematica | Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928)

Once Upon A Screen | The High Sign (1919) and Hard Luck (1921)

Taking Up Room | The General (1927)

Critica Retro | TV episode “The Awakening” (1954)

Whimsically Classic | The General (1927)

Century Film Project | The Goat (1921)

MovieMovieBlogBlogII | Cops (1922)

Acting Funny | Article on American vaudeville in young Buster’s time

45 thoughts on “ANNOUNCING: The Seventh Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon!

  1. Pingback: Awaiting the Seventh Annual Buster Blogathon – The Thoughts of One Truly Loved

  2. Woo hoo. This is why I got a WP in the first place! 😊

    I would love to participate. Will probably focus on Steamboat Bill Jr…and I’ve missed coming here.

  3. Added a request on your blog but it disappeared… can I join with A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966)?? from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

  4. Hi Lea,

    I left a commentvia my phone yesterday and I’m not sure if it went through. If possible I’d like to comment on a dougle feature, THE SCARECROW (1920) and HE HIGH SIGN (1921).

    Let me know if that’s ok.

    Once Upon a Screen

  5. I was just thinking the other day about the blogathon! I’m happy it’s back. This time I’ll go with serious Buster in The Awakening (1954).
    Le from Critica Retro (

  6. I have always wanted to write an essay on Buster Keaton’s use of “metahumor” particularly in his early films, and how he created comedy from the very medium of film itself and how that style of comedy has been influential even to this day.

  7. I was just thinking the other day, “I wonder if Lea is doing her Keaton blogathon this year” — and lo and behold, there it is at the top of your blog! How about letting me take a shot (not literally, of course) at COPS?

  8. Hello! This sounds like great fun and I’m wondering if you’d mind if I joined in, too? My podcast and blog documents me teaching myself the history of comedy in film from 1895 to the present day, one year at a time. As it happens, my episode scheduled for March 29, 2021, is about the year 1900 and looks at British music hall performances. I could do a blog post tie-in the week before, during the blogathon, looking at American vaudeville, particularly the history of Buster’s family on the traveling show circuit leading up to Buster joining the act in 1900. My podcast and blog are new, just debuted in December, but you can find them at I’d love to be a part of anything celebrating the great Buster if you’re interested.

    • Hi Shane! This sounds like a great idea to me. Welcome to the blogathon! Congrats on the new podcast and blog, too, they’re a commitment but man, so rewarding.

  9. Hello! Hope you and all are doing well.

    I’m wondering if you’d mind my adjusting my choice for the blogathon a bit by replacing THE SCARECROW with HARD LUCK (1921). It makes much more sense to comment on two 100-year-old shorts in tribute to Buster’s comedy.

    Thank you and let me know if this is ok.

  10. Pingback: Buster Keaton in 1921 – Once upon a screen…

  11. Hello, Lea!

    Here is a link to my Steamboat Bill Jr. entry….but something went wrong with the date and I can’t seem to change it. In reality it was published about five minutes ago. (I lost an entire morning’s work; it wasn’t saving drafts either. 😭)

    Steamboat Bill Jr: The Prestige

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